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kalliopi Ziplon

"It might be time to realize that we don't know everything; we learn continuously!

Even from children! Saying, 'You might be right! I don't know why things are the way they are. Someone, at some point, said it should be this way, and it happens without anyone questioning why we do it like this...' doesn't mean you've failed if you say it or that you are not enough. It's not bad to say it.

The bad thing is pretending that we know it all and getting upset about others' different opinions. The bad thing is getting angry and not being able to discuss calmly, with arguments, and saying when needed, 'I have no idea... I never thought of it that way... It doesn't matter if you or I are right. Each of us has our opinions, and we simply discuss...'

Let's listen more to children who can still see life as beautiful and can awaken us to see it that way again."

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