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kalliopi Ziplon

Dear diary 3: Suffering from pain and diarrhea, headache, dizziness etc.

Today my plod pressure was up out of the blue!

A simple symptom that kept me for many hours in alert because my head was hurting so much, my ears were going crazy with noise, I was feeling dizzy and so on!

Hours passed but nothing! I try it everything I knew but it was still up! It may seem like nothing to some but when you live with the symptoms and feel your heart going crazy and your head and your ears and all of your body…. How can you stop thinking about it?

How can you say it is nothing I am going to continue doing what I was doing? I could not! What made my body react like that?

I will never know!

But it was there! All those hours went by empty because I could not do what I wanted to do. Did not sleep much and in the morning, I felt so tired and my arm was in pain too. How can I cook or do the laundry and work on my pc feeling like that? I see blur, my body hurts…….

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