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Do you have something in your everyday life that stops you from enjoying your day and your life?

Do you have something in your everyday life that stops you from enjoying your day and your life?

A pain or any kind of a symptom?

Mentally symptoms like fears or panic attacks or symptom manifesting in your body?

Could any of your allergies or any of your sudden symptoms be the result of:

Does it get you out of difficult and awkward situations?

Does it help you not to face something that scares you?

Does it help you not to face something that you are ashamed that you don't know well and that means that if you do it you will be humiliated?

Does it help you not to do what you don't want to do for whatever reason?

Does it get you out of the awkward position of facing how socially awkward you are by locking yourself up at home? Using it as an excuse to stay home all the time.

Are you missing out on others caring for you and you are looking for it in this way without even realizing it?

Are you tired of living like this and your problem forces you to take time off or sleep more or is forcing you to change rhythms because you can't take it anymore?

Are you afraid of rejection and now you have the perfect excuse not to go out?

Does your everyday confrontation with the outside world frighten and stress you so much that without realizing it you found a way out in this way to avoid having to deal with it?

Do the high expectations of others weigh you down and you created this situation?

Find the reason that your symptom pops up by answer the question bellow

Think about what you often complain about?

What is it that you can't stand anymore?

When your problem shows up, what does it saves you from?

What were you thinking before your problem shows up?

What were you facing a day or days before your problem came up again?

Finding the root of your symptoms is a huge step on dealing with it.

Then you need to find a way to relax more each day. Do day dreaming, do meditation, do yoga, dance in the sounds of the music you adore, see videos or movies that will make you laugh intense..... find what relaxes you and make sure it is easy to add it in your everyday routine. Take from the 24 hours each day at least 30 minutes to an hour just for you! If you don’t do that you will never be free of your symptoms and you will never enjoy life. Is that what you want? If you don’t know, what daydreaming is I am going to give you an example. Lay on your bed with music or without, close your eyes, think of something you have lived and every time you think of it- it makes you super happy or if you don’t have a memory like that think of how you want your life to be. Or just focus on the song lyrics of the music so you can stop thinking of your problems and fears. Or think that a white bright light is covering you taking way your worries, your pain, everything and you feel free and relaxed.

Even if you have kids don’t use that as an excuse not to do your mediations or your yoga or seeing funny videos or your whatever relaxes you and makes you feel happy (there is a solutions) but do it with your kids (for example teach them how to daydream if you are doing that and tell them go to your room and I will go in to mine now and we will both day dream) or put them to do their thing ( put them to see a kids movie or draw or something) at the same time that you do yours! Teach them that when you go home you will give them time with you by hug them kiss them, ask them how was their day, what was the funniest and the worst and the best thing of their day but then you need an hour to do your thing before you do all the rest things of the day. Or do it before everyone wakes up in the morning or before going home by staying in your car doing your meditation or your daydreaming or when you take your kids to their other activities. You need to do something to take away or reduce your symptoms to enjoy your life and your time with your kids.

Listen to your complains and make the changes you need to make so those complains will be less and less as weeks and months go by. Those things that you have to do even if you hate them and you cannot stop doing them, at least after doing them go and do something fun or relaxing so the affect it will have in your soul will not create problems in your body and mind.

Don’t just live your life facing the same pain or the same dislike again and again without doing something to minimize the affect it has on you so you. They are stealing you from having a better, pain free, stress-free life.

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