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Education and the Development of Thinking A Call for Great Thinkers

Once we had many great thinkers and philosophers in our society, but today it seems that these individuals are few. One reason for this may be the way education is taught and students' response to it.

Typically, students listen attentively to academic lectures, take notes, and try to understand what they hear. However, what they usually hear does not enrich their thinking but simply stores ready-made theories that others have conceived. They are not concerned with analyzing and reflecting on what they have learned but rather memorizing it to pass the course.

Teachers also don't seem interested in teaching students how to think and generate new ideas. Instead, many react negatively if a student dares to ask questions or propose something different. They are not informed about new developments that can be incorporated into the curriculum, nor do they wonder if the way they teach remains sufficient and applicable today. They simply repeat what has already been heard without questioning whether it still holds true or can be modified for better results.

The best approach to learning and student response is active engagement with the subject before the lecture. The student should actively engage with the topic before attending the lecture. Instead of just passively listening to the lecture, they should have already contemplated the issues and have problems and questions that occupy their minds. They should be genuinely interested in the topic and listen with genuine curiosity. What they hear will captivate their minds! New thoughts, ideas, and questions will emerge in their minds. There will be a dialogue among different perspectives.

However, when the topic itself is boring or delivered in a tedious manner, the wings of the students are clipped, and they are not taught how to think and generate new ideas.

The goal is to develop an environment where learning becomes a dynamic, exciting, and thought-centered process. An environment where students are passionate about knowledge, seek new ideas, and create innovative approaches. Only then can we hope for a society with more great thinkers and philosophers who will contribute to the evolution and well-being of all of us.

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