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kalliopi Ziplon

How to deal with the pain and anger that is building up inside of you....

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

How to deal with the pain and anger that is building up inside of you when you are dealing with people that abuse you in any way.

It is hard to do it I know I have been there but if you try the bellow tips it is only for your own good. It may help you be less captive of the past, less captive to the victim way, keeping fewer negative emotions in you trapped in your cells and in your body and energy fields. Because all that trapped emotions and victim mode they will come and create illnesses or hurt your relationships with others.

Minimizing the damage will help you heal faster when your time of healing comes!

No matter what kind of abuse they do to you (hit you, calling you names, not showing you love and understanding …..) Try the below tips and see if it helps you or not.

Those people when they act as they do to you is because they are sick people that need help or they are scared people as you are scared. Or they are feeling upset and humiliated by others, feeling disappointed by their bad choices. That does not make it ok to hit you or to abuse you in any way hell no!!!! But when they are brain washing you that’s when you need to stop taking their acts and words deep in you and stop creating a trap for yourself! At that moment think them as less “monsters from whom you cannot run away from “and see them as scared sick people trapped in their own suffer! Don’t let their behavior make you believe you are who they say you are! No, you are an amazing person!! You are not useless don’t let that stay in you think at that moment “no “when he or she says that – think it is not for me but it’s his or her crays for help because someone make them think they are useless and that hurts them so much and they are trying to take their pain out and put that pain to someone else! They need professional help! Their insults are not who I am! That will help you hate them less so you will not stay in that victim way of mind forever destroying your future!

Take a paper and a pen and write down all the bad names you want to tell but you cannot! Yell at the paper as you would yell at those people that made you so mad with the injustice, they done on you or at you! Let those negative emotions out of you don’t store them in you! Then burn or make that paper in small pieces and get rid of it somewhere where those people will not find it! Then: Go for a run! Go paint! Go to the gym! Go dance in the rain if that will make you feel good!

Hahahahahahaahah people who want to do their bathroom or their kitchens should call people in need of breaking things to come and break their old stuff haahah free ahahahah Can you imagen a free platform where accordingly of cities people can add their names and say I live there I am on to break things and constructors can call them come break those haahahhaha they will be there showing you how to break it and then you can set free all your bad emotions hahaahahahahahah

Yes, you have every right to feel mad or what ever you are feeling! Say to yourself yes that’s right I feel mad I should feel upset I was been treated unjust or in an abuse way fuck yea I will scream! Now let me calm down because stay mad will not help me. Then think of a way to leave or act in a way if you cannot leave that their behavior will not make you feel like that. How? Go in secret and do psychotherapies! Go in secret and take dance lessons or learn how to protect yourself or do what ever will make you stop believing their abuse words! Don’t start hitting others or abuse others because someone is doing that to you! Go help someone for free so you can create feeling of helping others / love / carrying rather than hate for those that hurt you.

Again, you are doing all those things for your own good not to forgive them, not to justify what they are doing. NO! But so, you can heal faster and be happy sooner and create the thrive life you deserve to have sooner!

The hate that you feel for those that put you down all the time make it less by start building more and more positive emotions by spending more time on doing things you adore things that make you feel you are worthy! Things that show you -you are not what those people tells you that you are but you are a better person! Fight back that way! In a more productive way!

Those people that hurt you are in a great pain themselves and they are mirroring that pain on to you! So don’t believe the mean things they are saying to you don’t even listen to their voice let their voice come and go like it is not even there! Go do what makes you feel you are worthy so it will not affect you that much! Do it as much as possible and do it after the argument you had with those people. Don’t build up tons of hate or tons of bad feeling that in the end will trapped you there! You are born to thrive and help others!

Yes, I know that those people can be your family or relatives or from school or your boss and you need the money or your husband…. If you cannot leave and you have to put up with them create ways not to be affected by their mean behavior, do things that will let you feel and see you are smart and you are worthy and you are loved! By helping others for free you will get all the love and appreciations you maybe needing! Work on a pet shelter a few hours per week and especial when they hurt you by their words. Open the door go hug a pet, go help someone free, go for a run and let those tears run! Don’t be like them hurting others, letting that anger make you act bad on others or on yourself!

Dance like crazy as dogs shake away their stress!

I did not have anyone telling me all this so I was in my own prison trapped for decades! Believing what they were telling me! Until after reading books after books I woke up! Until someone told me how unfair I was treating me because I am so smart and why on earth, I was saying I was stupid! I lost so many years trapped and hating them!

Leave if you can or make a plan on how to earn money so you can leave and take help don’t think you can overcome everything on your own when you don’t know how to! Ask for help the internet now can show you ways to get help.

Here is the video of it that I have recorded:

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