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kalliopi Ziplon

In this video I am going to talk about my experience on 2 different dog shampoo.

In this video I am going to talk about my experience on 2 different dog shampoo. When he was a baby we used one from the nearest pet shop that I don’t have it to show it to you.

When we went to a free seminar on how to bath your dog, we got this one. To our dog when we use it on him smelling good because of the shampoo smell last only 1 day. The dog smell on the other hand, that smell that people will say that your dog smell bad and your house smells like dog, comes back in less than a day. It made our dogs hair soft for 1 to 3 days but his skin was smelling intense that we had hard time hugging him and others were telling us how bad our dog smells even after only a few hours that we had bath him! When we got back home after a walk every smell the atmosphere outside had was on our dog. At least that’s how our experience was. I have heard from many others that they are happy using it perhaps our dog skin did not go well with it.

A friend gave us as a gift this shampoo after 3 years of using the other one and it blow our minds from happiness’s!!! That shampoo is amazinggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!! The hair of our dog stays soft for 1 to 1,5 months!!!!! If the weather outside is raining or there are too many smells from what people use to warm themselves ….the good smell from the shampoo last 7 days and our dog does not bring home those smells on him like the previous shampoo did! If the weather is better and they are not many smells it last more! The dog smell on the other hand that people will say your dog and your house smell came back in 7 days to 3 weeks but not so intense as the previous shampoo!! Μosquitoes and other small flower bugs stopped coming on our dog! The bad thing is that it is not that easy to find it, some shops told us that the company has stopped making the specific one, they have others but we manage to find some and pay for 2 shampoo that will last for a few years!

The Amazing shampoo bellow!

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