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kalliopi Ziplon

Learning from Past Mistakes: Taking Ownership of Our Choices in Toxic Relationships

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Happiness!Prioritize self-love and make choices that prioritize your well-being.

Stop blaming others for staying and letting yourself get hurt! They did not force you to stay! You chose to stay in a relationship or friendship that was toxic and kept hurting you! You did not love yourself enough to leave, and you stayed! They are who they are, but when you saw the red flags, you kept letting them hurt you! So, stop blaming them for who they are and look inside yourself to find out why you stayed! Why did you stay for that long? What lessons did you learn? Why did you choose to stay and get hurt for that long? Why do you still blame them for a choice you made?


Toxic relationships


Personal responsibility

Learning from mistakes

Choosing to stay


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