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kalliopi Ziplon

Losing Ourselves: Insecurity and Fear

Losing Ourselves: When Chronic Hypochondria Forms a Wall Around Us. When Reality Ties to Material Goods. Insecurity and Fear: Living in Constant Anxiety about the Future.

We live in a society that often pushes us to define ourselves through the possession of material goods. As we distort reality, we ponder: Am I what I have, and if what I have is lost, then who am I? Just a person feeling defeated and sorrowful because he is living a misguided life. Is a person filled with insecurity, as he links his identity to the material possessions he owns. When he loses something, he feels lost and defenseless, like a defeated and shattered personality. This way of life confronts him with constant agony and fear of losing what he has. He fears theft, economic crises, illnesses, even death. Even love, freedom, and personal development scare me, as he fears changes and the unknown.

Due to these fears, they constantly feel distressed and suffer from chronic anxiety, which leads them to lose not only their health but also their true essence. They become defensive, tough, and mistrustful, isolating myself from others. Their entire focus is on acquiring more things to feel safer.

It is crucial to realize that our true value does not lie in material possessions but in who we are as individuals and how we contribute to the world around us. Only then will we free ourselves from the burden of fears and insecurity, finding genuine happiness and balance in our lives.


Material goods







Chronic hypochondria

Genuine happiness

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