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Mom dating 2

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Yes, you have every right to go and start dating!

Your kid cannot dictate you and be rude if you start dating!

Therefore, you need to do it carful so you will not harm your relationship

with your kid or put your kid in any kind of a danger.

If you have spoiled your kid it is going to be very difficult. But it’s never too late to start putting limits to what you can put up with.

When you are dating as a mom you have to be sure if you are dating only for sex or because you are looking to find true love.

An amazing book that gives you amazing tips on how to date and make a man treat you or see you with more respect is Steve Harvey - Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man! I have read it and I like it! I am not gaining anything by saying about his book.

First of all, dress nice and not almost naked. You want him to respect you.

Don’t put up with anyone you are not having a nice time with get up and polite leave or have a friend call you and say something happened and leave. Do not go out with just anyone in order not to feel alone. If you can chat with him a few times before you go out so you can see if he is someone you have something to talk about.

Don’t sleep with the new guy in your first date or if it has not been at least 30 days of dating.

If he is not interested in only sex he will stay because he has found something about your character that amazed him.

Give it time don't rush things even if you feel like it.


Because you are a mom and you have something even more important to think about and you cannot get any guy you just meet in to your life.

Don’t let him take you back home exactly to your door.

Tell him you don’t know him and as a mom you have to protect your kids. Or Just polite refuse for him to take back home.

If he turns out to be a crazy man that will follow you around if you leave him what will happen to you or your kids if he knows where your house is? Think about it.

Meet outside in public places and go home alone until you can trust him.

Until you have dated many times and you have seen how he reacts in different situations.

Trust your inner voice! If you feel something is off don’t go out with him.

Never let your kids for any man by miss playing with your kids or be there for them so you can be with a man.

Don’t create that kind of insecurity to your kid but teach your kid that even if you are dating you will be there no matter what.

If your kid is acting rude on purpose is better to go and get advice from a professional on how to handle it. Pay a session or two no need to spend more money when you don’t have. Or go and be a part of a group at Facebook for example that other moms are and ask for their advice on the matter.

If you have a daughter don't steal her clothes! Don’t take them without asking and don’t get dressed in a way that does not fit you trying to look younger or something you are not.

Don't hide that you are a mom. Be honest from the start. If he's looking for love, he won't give up so easily. But if you lie then what? When he will find out that you are a mom what, he won't get angry?

He wont leave you if he does not know at first that you are mom and you tell him later on but he doesn't want a serious relationship and responsibilities?

Do you realy think thats what will happen?

Don’t let your feelings for him make you make mistakes on how you treat and protect your kid. Do baby steps if it is time for him to meet your kid.

Meet in public places and in kids’ public places and take a good look on how he is acting and looking at your kid don’t miss any signs of an abusive man.

A good man when you cancel the date because your kid got sick, he will understand and you can viper or skype talk instead. That way he will not be left out and you can be at home taking care of your kid and enjoy spending time with him. Everyone wins!

Learn self-defense you and your kids. Don’t forget if something happens to you what will become of your kids!

Always talk to your kid of what kind of behaviors he or she needs to report them to you if anyone does it to them.

Tell them reputedly that if someone threats them that he will hurt you if they come and tell you what he is doing to them tell them that no one can hurt you and you will go to the police and there is always a way to deal with everything.

Lets be honest and face reality….. they are so many messed up people out there so it is better to be prepared than sorry.

When you go out on a date let someone know about it where you are and keep a key word as a safe word and take somehow a picture of the real guy you are with (maybe in a date site his picture is outdated) and send it to that person so they will know who he is. Pretend you take a picture of something that amazed you and make sure he is in it.

Have a small tracking device on you so that person that knows where you are can find you no matter what.

Don't chase him in a bad way, you don't know if he is vindictive and how he takes rejection. Stop the relationship or flirting in a polite smart way.

Maybe you need to make him be bored of you or you make him see have nothing in common or you go out and don't talk you only listen or be a litle bored or you interrupt the date to go to your child or to a friend who needs you or you work long hours and can't find time for the next date or you are allegedly forced to work overtime or evet you need to get a second job and you tell him you don't have time to date now because things got harder and you need to get a second job.

Enjoy your date by being safe. Even as a single woman you need to be safe than sorry! And if you have a boy teach him to be respectful of women!

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