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kalliopi Ziplon

Respect to every right employee!

We must respect every employee who offers us proper service! He or she can experience so many bad things in his or her personal life and is forced to tolerate each person who serves and their strangeness without complaint and with a smile!

These employees should, in my opinion, as soon as you leave the store where they work, you should have brightened their day a little in any way! They deserve it! They treated you perfectly and with respect and in this way brightened your day!

Give them: A kind conversation! A praise! A nice tip! A compliment of some kind!

And if you behaved awkwardly, rude, one more reason to show your gratitude at the end for being tolerated! Otherwise, once you leave you will always be called names behind your back and you will deserve it!

Too much selfishness , seriously, harms your health and those around you!

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