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kalliopi Ziplon

Setting goals and grow part 10

Who vs How. We want one thing after another. Our mind is asking us “How will you do it?”

Look around you is there someone that does it therefore knows how to help you do it?

Is there someone that has master it and you can learn from that person?

Can you pay someone that knows how to do it to do it for you?

Can you start lessons to have those skills that are needed? Even online ones.

Look it up, find people that have done it and learn from them!

Instead of think of how hard it is because you don’t have the skills or because you don’t know how you can do it.

Change that habit of yours that always see obstacles and excuses to not act by stay only to the idea and then give up.

You have internet that can help you to look it up and see how others are doing it! So, get going!

Act on your idea, on your goal!Break the steps in little ones so you can understand better what is needed to be done and what skills you don’t have and what skills you need to have or pay someone that has them

Don't drown yourself by thinking it is something huge, break it in small steps!

Don’t get stuck on the “I am too old for that stuff, I don’t know how, how can I learn all that stuff no away….” You can do it! They are others out there with the skills to help you but they don’t have ideas!

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