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Setting goals and grow.Part 2.

Change the way you see the problems that comes in to your life. How to see the problems that comes in to your life:

Bigger problems mean a bigger success is coming. Don’t be afraid of them be happy because something bigger is coming!

A storm never last forever does it!

Don’t give up!

Yea ok it scared the shit out of you, your old habits kicked in and now you start saying things like “why me? Not again, why God hates me so much…”

But think of this: If the world is ending today will you give a fuck about that problem?

If your answer is no then stop crying and solve it!

Don’t over cry about it find the solution!

Does your habit of overreacting on it, of making it bigger than it is in your mind, of stay trapped on the idea of having to deal with a problem than solving it… helped you before?

Why not train yourself to react different. A problem comes, say GOOD!

Say out loud GOOD! I am ready for it! I am born ready to solve every problem that comes my way!

Jump like a kid full of joy that just got the toy he always wants to have! Yea think of a happy moment and over think and over react on that happy moment! Force yourself!

Break that habit of yours! Then say loud NO MATTER WHAT I WILL SOLVE YOU!

Then think of the question: If the world is ending today will you give a fuck about that problem?

Stop yourself each time you see that you are overreacting to that problem, don’t let it become huge in your mind!

It is not that huge! Can you come up with solutions if you are in a state of crying or of seeing the problem as something huge?

Go and connect with a group of people that are learning how to make goals, how to think positive and why not ask them to help you see the positive in your problem! That way you are not going to react as always!

Problems mean opportunities to grow and to open new doors. I know you will say yea right you are safe and you say those things to me but walk in my shoes and then say it.

I cannot and you are searching for a tip on how to change how you react on problems therefore, here it is a tip try it on!

Try it on again and again! Go see Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins videos to lift you up! I do it! Give it a try!

There is going to be an e-book about that with all the parts if you are interested for the book let me know.

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