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kalliopi Ziplon

Setting goals and grow part 3

It’s on me! When something goes wrong the first thing people think is who to blame. There's someone else's fault not mine.

That way of thinking will stop you from learning the life lesson you need to learn to move on faster.

That way of thinking stops you from seeing the solutions and opportunities that the problem is bringing.

Then you get stuck on waiting others to save you therefore, you are not even trying to find a solution.

Think of it this way: No one is going to save me! I have to save myself! No one is to blame! If I think only on where to put the blame I will be stuck in this problem forever!Now is my time to shine! To solve it and become stronger and better and shine!

You need to calm down so you can focus on finding solutions.

Make the question as we have said before to make the problem feel smaller: If the world is ending will you give a fuck about that problem?

Now say to yourself: I am counting only on me! All I need now is me!All I need now is me! I manage to go this far because I thought what I will need in each moment of my life and I took the steps to learn and act the way I have been doing all my life! Therefore, I can do it! I can shine now and end up learning huge lessons and open new doors full with opportunities for me to shine once more!

Bring it on baby! I am ready! And if you have complaints about the world and the economy and the political of the world, first fix your home, yourself, your income and the outside world will follow.

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