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Teaching your men how to help you clean the house.

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

Teaching your men how to help you clean the house.

Hi, guys! I will share with you what I did when I had to teach my ex-husband how to clean the house because I was going to have a very serious surgery and the doctor told us I would not be able to grab not even a glass of water for almost 2 years. Therefore, someone had to do the cleaning of the house since we could not afford to pay someone to do it for us.

Are you ready? Let’s begin!

Tip 1:

First of all, never ever start telling him how slow he is or “leave it I will do it I cannot stand seeing you do them like that” or anything else that will humiliate him!

You had years to practice and learn and he is just started! He has years of brain wash that men don’t clean the house! That is something only women do! So, he may be doing them and have red flags screaming in his head / mind /body that he should not be doing all that and he is fighting with that as well. He is doing something he is not already good at or even hate doing it! Try to understand how he may be feeling. If you need one more motivation then think you as a kid or as a teen hated clean up your room so now you can understand how he must be feeling! If you loved cleaning your room then that example is not for you:PPPP So, give him a slack!

Tip 2:

If he does not clean well never ever do them all over again when he is in the house! You are humiliating him by doing that! He spends hours helping you and feeling “man I did it! I help her!” and he is feeling so proud and you go and do what?! Kill his mood by doing them all over again in front of him! That will make him so upset! Would you like if someone does that to you? Don’t think so! If your boss or someone you work with comes and do the job you did and say to you how bad you have done it so they had to do the job over again will you like that? No! You will be mad and feel put down!

Wait for him to leave the house and then do them if that’s what you need to do! Don’t let him see you doing them and teach him how to do them better next time.

Tip 3:

First time the lesson starts what do you do. Tell him this” Baby I am going to clean up the house now and I would love if you keep track on me and see how I do what I am about to do. Ask question in any given moment. And when you ask a question, you will get a deep kiss” and smile at him naughty! (That last part is optional: PPP)

Tip 4:

First time you are showing him how you clean up the house. Explain to him why you do what you do! Why you do them in a specific order and in a specific way! Example: Baby I will explain to you the steps I am doing so you can understand why it is important to do them in a specific order (kiss him or be naughty with him now if you want:PPP). If you put the vacuum cleaner first and then you throw down on the floor whatever is on the couch like crumbs and hair or whatever, you will be throwing on the floor all sorts of things therefore, the floor will need to be vacuum clean again. If you go to the kitchen table and try to take all the crumbs off the table you will throw some on the floor so you will need to vacuum clean again. So, the vacuum cleaning is not the first thing you do. You take care of the couches, of the tables, of the dust on the furniture and some other stuff (tell him what those are) and after you have done all that then you can do the vacuum cleaning. Last thing we do is to mop the floor because if you do that before you vacuum clean all the hair and the dust and crumbs that are on the floor will become like mud and when you will walk you will feel the floor being so dirty. Explain to him why he needs to do some things first and some other later on! That will help him understand and be more focus on what he has to do. No, he is not stupid but he never had to think of all those things like you had to so if you don’t tell him that he may not think of them. Why let him suffer and feel like stupid if you correct him on things like that?

Tip 5:

Now as you go and start cleaning the house when you are doing something that needs to be done only in a specific way pause and explain it to him. If he destroys something will not be his mistakes because he did not know about it! If he is really there watching without complain much then be playful (if that annoys him stop it:PP you know your man better!).

Tip 6:

Next time it will be cleaning time let him do it. First you show him the way and next time is his time to apply what he learn.

Tip 7: …. continue from tip 6….. and watch him but from afar! Do not go after him step by step! Give him space to breath and watch him from a distance! Don’t make him mad! Let him listen to his music loud as he is cleaning if that helps even if you hate that kind of a music! He is doing all the work not you! You can do things for yourself now!

Tip 8:

First time he is cleaning the house If he does something wrong don’t run to tell him that! No!!!!!!! Let him be done with the cleaning! If he asks you how to do something only then go show him if he does not don’t correct him! Wait until next time that is cleaning time and say this “Baby I want to do the cleaning this time and I want you to watch me ok? (or say you will do specific parts”- the ones he did not do them correct but don’t say to him “you did not do them correct that’s why I am showing them again to you” noooo let him think that you are just showing him how to do them) He follows you and you go and start doing what he did wrong last time saying “Baby see this part here; it is done this way and explain why. “Don’t say you have done it wrong that’s why I am showing it again to you! Let him clean the house next time and see from a far if he is going to do the same mistake again.

Tip 9:

If it is his second try and he is doing the same mistakes let him finished and next time that it is cleaning time do this: Tell him “Baby I love you I want you to do the cleaning fast so you will not be tired much so let me show you some things that I saw you did not do them as I showed you so I am going to show them to you one more time...” and teach him only the ones he does not do correct. But go and use words like “you did them wrong” “you are stupid see how is done” be polite and understanding! Or else he will not clean the house ever again! Is that what you want?

Tip 10:

If he is doing something so slow that you want to kill yourself or scream at him let me, do it hahahahaah don’t react like that! I know how you are feeling I have been there!

Try doing one of those things instead:

Leave the room and go for a walk or for a run!

Go to another room read a book!

Take care of your garden if you have one!

Go for a walk to the beach!

Or see a movie or your tv show or listen to music!!

Let him learn! My ex-husband when he was doing iron chore, he was so slow it was hard to watch him! I wanted to scream let me do it! He was folding the same cloth over and over not remembering how to do it haahahahahha man it was hard to watch him! He was upset because it was taking him 3 hours to do them when he knew for me it took me only 1-hour hahahaha

Your man at that moment he is strangling, he prefers to be doing something else therefore, don’t go and start yelling at him! You don’t like others to yell at you when you are having hard time doing something! Or don’t go pointing fingers! If I went to show him how to fold the cloth at that moment, he was mad and he was screaming “let me learn, let me make mistakes!” But you may ask him polite only one time and never again “do you prefer for me to show you how to do it or you prefer to take your time?”

Give him time to learn! You had years of practice!! Don’t ever forget that! That’s it for this post!

I hope all the above can be useful to some of you!

Here is the video of it that I have recorded:

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