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kalliopi Ziplon

The Consequences of Ignoring Children's Authentic Desires

Shipwrecked Desires: How Restricting Children Creates Knowledge-Thirsty Adults Craving Truth and Affection. The Freedom of Authenticity: From Childhood to Adulthood.

The restriction of infants, children, and adolescents and its impact on the formation of adults who yearn for knowledge, truth, affection, and dedication is a significant process. Essentially, the foundations for this development are laid in the early years of children and then through school and society. It is important to pay attention to how this restriction affects children's autonomy, interests, and internal desires.

Often, children's personal desires and interests are suppressed and inhibited through rewards, punishment, and how others around them react. Children learn to conform to the emotional needs, thoughts, and desires of others, such as parents, teachers, bosses, friends, and the media.

It is necessary to reconsider this practice and give children the space and freedom to explore their own emotions, thoughts, and interests. Instead of suffocating them, we should encourage their independence and inspire them to discover the world in their own way.

When we fail to recognize and support children's authentic desires, we contribute to the creation of adults who are hungry for knowledge, truth, affection, and dedication. Through this approach, we do not allow children to develop their own spirit. They become filled with anger, unsatisfied, bored, and turn into cold adults who do not even know who they are or feel resentful towards life.

Childhood Restriction

Authentic Desires

Thirst for Knowledge

Truth and Affection

Child Development

Freedom and Autonomy

Creating Adults

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