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The Epidemic of Overconsumption: Lost Values, Depleted Environment.

Overconsumption and Quality of Life: The Pursuit of Satisfaction or the Nightmare of Emptiness?

Think Before You Buy.

Overconsumption: A Path to Self-Destruction?

Once upon a time, when someone bought something, they took care of it with all their might so it wouldn't break. Buying something new wasn't as easy, and they valued everything they acquired. Unfortunately, that's no longer the case. Sadly, the purpose now is solely consumption. We buy things to discard them - they become boring very quickly, and we withdraw them to get the new model. We must have something new. This way, we spend more money that we don't have or could have invested in unforgettable vacation memories or investments that would increase our income, instead of not having enough and living in the stress of financial scarcity. Even the goods themselves deteriorate much faster compared to the past when, for example, we bought a shirt and washed it for years, and it remained as good as new. Their quality is of low standards, and we don't complain; we consider it normal, even though we pay much higher prices than before!

This creates a serious problem for the environment. Overconsumption fills us with infinite waste and requires so many resources to produce all these, resulting in the destruction of the Earth! We are destroying our home!


Uncontrolled consumption, Consumerism,Sustainability, Quality of life, Environmental crisis

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