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kalliopi Ziplon

Welcome to my world!

Yes, that’s right this space is a part of my world! I expose myself to the world! It feels a little frighten to be expose like that but hey If I don’t do it, I will never let go of that fear! One more fear of mine is that when you will visit my pages you will feel in the end that you wasted your free time over nothing. I don’t fear if I will manage to have visitors or not, I just don’t feel that. Nor am I hocked up in general about getting likes in any of my social pages. That’s the reason I cannot understand how those that are feels like. What worries me is as I said above is for all of you not to get bored coming to my pages.

I adore so much to help others!

It makes me feel so alive and that I am worthy as a person every time I help someone! I am one of those people that sit at home getting mad with what happens in the world but at the end of the day do nothing about it. I admire so much those around us that go and act by saving animals or by planting trees, or by feeding the homeless or by doing something about it! What stops me from being one of them? So many excuses! Like, I don’t have a car to drive me there, I don’t have the money to go there or help like that, I cannot leave my house with such a bad health being in pain each day! I think I am not sure about it since I never try it but I want to believe that if I was around people who act maybe I could start acting little by little each time. Yea… I am one of those people….. I know…… It does not make me feel proud of myself.

Why I started this page?

Well, I was a part of an amazing free seminar, a life changing seminar, Time To Thrive Challenge, It was the first time I ever felt damn if only I had the money to pay to have the full seminar I would dive in all the way! Therefore, I am acting on what touched my heart which I will talk about in another post of mine.

I am a dog lover and I hope one day I could be a cat lover too.

I adore water so much!

Swimming – even if I cannot swim without wearing flippers…. I am shame of it but I never done anything about it…….. see another froze reaction of mine. I don’t go to the sea that much because I don’t have a car or a friend to join him or her …….. I also adore listening to the rain, being in bed with open window and listen to the rain! Smell that wet nature outside! When I was a kid each time, I felt I want to die and I was crying so hard only rain could make my hearts pain go away and I could calm down. And it still affects me like that!

As crazy as it may sound up until I was 25-28 years old, I could not see or hear water at night. A river, the sea, waterfalls… Since I was a baby….. I felt fear and a panic attack! I felt I was going to die! I got over it after I ve done therapy for other stuff and I ask help about that too. The therapist assumed it could be from a past life but when she did a therapy about it, I could not view a past life I was going in to the future. Then she told me that sea in psychology means fear of the future. Nevertheless, I got over it but if I see in my dreams sea it always is a very dark one, dirty one, with waves that are trying to drawn me. That does not stop me from feeling like I am connecting with my soul and life when water touches my skin!

I adore reading!

Books about self-improve, love stories, true stories!

I adore feeling and seeing the sun waking up (coming up)! Of course, to see the sun going down it is amazing too! Letting the sun woke me up in the morning makes me woke up happy! I am one of those people that waking up in the morning I sing or talk much or do stuff in the morning! If you tell me to stop talking because it is morning and you just woke up I, cannot It will make me so sad! When I was a kid at summer time, I used to let the shutters quite open in secret from my mom so I could see in the morning the sun coming in and all that dust flying in the room! It made me happy!

As for bugs any kind of bugs noooooo wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I run the other way! I was not like that when I was a kid but out of the blue since I don’t remember what made me be so scared of them, I am afraid of bugs! When I did therapy that was when that fear became smaller but after a few years it came back…… Does anyone have an advice on how I can stop being so terrified of them? (Spiders even tine ones, ants, bees because they used to get trapped in my long hair and bite me all the time….)

Love long walks even if now I need to make many stops due to some health problems.

Love listening to music!!

Not all kinds of music’s no! Its like my brain hates some kind of sounds so much that it is impossible for me to listen to them!

I adore long drive “walks”!

Just be in the car looking outside with my thinking and listening to music! O my god! I love it! I can even be inspired and get all shorts of ideas about a story to write or other ideas! That’s one of the reasons I never learn how to drive hahaahahahha and of course the main one is that I don’t remember how to get to a place if I don’t go there many times and mark buildings so I will not get lost hahahaahah. But now at the age of 46 man how much I hope I had a car to take my dog and go to a beach or somewhere to be closer to nature! But I don’t think I could overcome how easy I can get lost ahahahah

I cannot go outside for a walk alone!

Nope! Hate it! It makes me feel so sad and so alone! I prefer to sit alone at home and see a tv series or a movie or listen to music or be creative than to do something that will make me feel sad!

I love smiling and laughing! I create my everyday in a way that I find things to laugh about all the time! Even if I hit my feet or do something stupid!

I am sorry but I cannot stand anymore people who do not smile and all they do is complain about the same things over and over! I get mad and I run away from them! I am sorry I cannot help you / feed your need to be a victim and bring everyone down with you.

Hmm I think for my first blog I wrote many things ahhaahhaha time for me to stop for now!

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