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When Consumption Becomes an Addiction.

When Consumption Becomes an Addiction. The Careless Desire for More. From the Joy of Shopping to the Hunger for the Next Purchase. Consumerism and Social Status: Seeking Identity through Purchases.

Consumerism has transformed into a deeply addictive habit. In today's world, people are consumed by the constant need to buy, driven by the desire for social status, a sense of power, and the illusion of control. They seek to fill the void within them, craving the positive emotions that accompany the excitement and joy of a new purchase. However, once this initial euphoria fades, they yearn to buy something new to relive all of the above.

However, remaining passive quickly leads to boredom, and the stimulation diminishes, causing them to search for it again and again. Conversely, when we are active and engaged, we can sustain this satisfaction for much longer periods, eliminating the constant need to seek it out.

Consumption addiction

Careless desire

Joy of shopping

Hunger for the next purchase

Consumerism and social status

Seeking identity through purchases

Active engagement

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