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Why does people become a victim of others and allows themselves to be deceived in any way?

Why does people become a victim of others and allows themselves to be deceived in any way?

People become victims because, quite simply, they are used of being deceived. People learned not to react and they stopped being surprised when someone cheated or harassed them in public services or by companies and employees. They learned not to react and not to demand to be served properly with respect and quickly. People doesn't follow the legal channels to get what they need or to protest in an intelligent way, when they are been treated rude or cheated in any way, so that this mentality that while paying for something you are also to blame and you don't get the right service put to an end! We become victims ourselves! We choose it!

And I'm not saying fight all the time. There are other ways to claim what's right.

Saying with rigor and seriousness:

That your lawyer will take over if you are not served immediately and the matter is resolved now.

Saying that you will now immediately go to the person in charge. And all the way up until you find someone that will listen to you and resolve it.

Saying that you will not buy from them again and you will inform via social media how bad their service is or how bad products they are having.

Recording the treatment, you received and showing the video to the mother company demanding an apology and compensation.

……. and and and….. depending on the problem there is always the right – sometimes fun or even crazy solution without going in to fights. Be creative without harming others!

This mentality must change and it is on us to change it! Every "professional" must know that if they are not correct towards the client (the one who paid and did not try to deceive the professional) they will have consequences and lose clients and someone who deserves them because they are respectful and honest in what they sell and offer they will get those clients!

Our money has value! From our money there are all those out there who offer services, because we pay them! Whether he is a doctor or a civil servant or a plumber, or whoever! Learn not to accept pathetic service, overcharge and crappy products without complaint and without going all the way until you have been served as you should! You earn your money with so much effort! Your money has value and you deserve proper and prompt service!

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