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kalliopi Ziplon

Why will you want to help your wife with the house cleaning!

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

Guys your turn now! Why will you want to help your wife with cleaning the house!

Come on think about it! If your wife is less tired of all that cleaning, she will be more in to having more sex! She will have more time to do things with you! She will be less tired so less upset with everything! On the other hand, you may do the cleaning together in a very naughty way! If your wife is tired, upset, not having time to take care of herself and you are complaining to her “lose weight, go fix your hair baby, you use to be a fun person to be around and so on….” Help her have time and the energy to start looking after herself don’t just complain! Instead of complaining do something that is not expensive to your pocket! Go help her so she can relax or she can go and see a video and work out at home! Help her be less fat don’t sit on the couch all the time take for a walk in the beach or for a run 3 times per week!

Here is the video of it that I have recorded:

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