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kalliopi Ziplon

Facing Difficult Times with Spontaneity and Care

When facing difficult times, it's okay to feel overwhelmed.

Allow yourself to cry and release the emotions.

"It's not bad to cry! Cry for 2-3 days if it relieves you."

After allowing yourself to feel the emotions, it's important to regain composure and start seeking solutions.

After 7 days, look at your face in the mirror and say 'enough, now the search for the solution begins!'"

Remember, it's okay to feel the emotions, but don't let fear hold you back for too long.

Embrace spontaneity and care for yourself during these challenging times.

solution, problem solving, self-awareness, managing emotions, coping with fear,

mental health, self-care, coping with stress, coping with anxiety, self-esteem,

coping with pain, release of emotions, relief, inner peace, personal development, wellness

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